Residential Projects - Soil Erosion Control

Earth changes undertaken for a proposed or existing private residence, landscaping activities that require a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) permit, agricultural practices other than the plowing and tilling of fields for crop production or otherwise defined as a commercial project within the Washtenaw County SESC Ordinance. Residential Permits expire 18 months from the date of issuance. Inspections will be performed throughout the duration of the permit. Permits can be renewed for six months for half of the original permit cost.

Permit Application Process

When an application is submitted to the Soil Erosion Program, all applicants must include;

The Soil Erosion Program shall approve, disapprove or require modification of the application for an earth change permit within 30 days following the receipt of the completed application submittal.

Waiver Application Process

A Residential Waiver may be applicable for earth changes that DO NOT contribute sediment to surface waters AND:

  • Are over 500 feet from all surface water AND disturb less than one (1) acre


  • Earth changes within 500 feet of surface water AND disturb less than 225 square feet

Please contact the Drain Commissioners office at (517) 676-8395 to discuss whether your project may qualify for a waiver and to obtain the waiver application form.

When an application is submitted to the Soil Erosion Program, all applicants must include;

  • Completed Application, must be signed by the landowner

  • Erosion Control Plan, two sets

  • Application Fee

Permit Transfer Information

Permit Transfer shall occur when ownership of a property subject to a permit under the Washtenaw County SESC Ordinance is transferred, in whole or in part. If the property is subject to a permit transfer the original permit holder and new permit holder must submit a completed Transfer Form Application to the SESC Program for review. Click on the Transfer Form Application for the form and process of transferring a soil erosion permit.

Closing Out a Permit

The following requirements must be met for closure of the soil erosion permit unless otherwise indicated:

  1. All disturbed areas are permanently stabilized in a manner to prevent soil movement or loss from erosive forces such as rain, ice, gravity or wind

  2. Any temporary SESC controls have been removed

  3. All permanent erosion control measures are in place and maintained and the site has been established per the approved soil erosion control plan

  4. All fees shall be paid in accordance with the current fee schedule approved by the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners. When a permit receives a final inspection and all fees are paid a Certificate of Completion will be issued. Failure to pay fees will result in late fees and enforcement.